
First Week Report

(The English translation follows.)




The first week has been extremely busy. The classes start at 7:30 every morning. The 5th level is only a “medium-sized group,” meaning not a small group and not a large group. There are about 4-5 students in each class. There are seventeen 5th level students in total. The classes are dismissed at 10:30 a.m. for lunch. Generally speaking, we go to a Chinese restaurant near Beijing Normal University. There is food service on the campus, too, but the service and menu selection is better in the restaurants. After lunch we have “individual dialogue,” a one-on-one Chinese lesson. This is an opportunity for free conversation between the teacher and the student. Morning classes don’t teach vernacular terms, but during the individual lesson, the teacher emphasizes the student’s interest. After my individual lesson, I start my homework right away and work until dinner time. After dinner I take a short break, then continue doing homework until bedtime. Some students stay up until 2 or 3 a.m. I think this kind of sleeping habit is not sustainable and will interfere with their performance in the classroom. Even though I am a bit embarrassed to tell people, I go to bed about 9:30 every night.

So far I have made two good friends, my roommate and his friend. They were already
good friends before coming to PiB. From the first day, I have been taking my meals and going to class with them. They don’t have a choice but to be friends with me. They are Chinese
majors at IU and about the same level as me.

As for me, the language pledge (Students can speak only Mandarin--no exceptions!) is a
challenge. The language pledge has brought many communication difficulties for the level 2
students. Hearing them spend a lot of effort expressing the simplest idea is interesting. It reminds me of when I was at that level.

This Saturday PiB arranged a field trip to the Great Wall. We went to the section of the wall
named “Gold Mountain,” a bit farther away from Beijing (2.5 hours). We started our trip at 8:00 a.m. and climbed for 4-5 hrs, after which we felt exhausted.

2 条评论:

  1. 家明,很高兴看到你的这一篇,充实的北京生活~可以理解你的“忙得不可开交”,因为我也是这样。现在我也刚刚开学,星期一到星期四都有课,学业负担也很重,主要是因为每一章节都要提前看好,部分作业也要在老师讲课前提前做,所以时间的安排对我而言是个很大的挑战。希望你一切都好~

  2. 忘了祝你国庆快乐了,今天在Central Park听了美国的国歌,看了fireworks,感觉一年一次的盛会还是很不错的。
